October 12, 2023
Notice of Meeting
Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank
Board of Directors – October 16, 2023
3:00 P.M.
Meeting Agenda
PLACE: 275 Promenade Street, Suite 301
Providence, RI 02908
TIME: 3:00 P.M.
- *Review and consideration of the minutes from the September 28, 2023, meeting of the Board.
- Board Chair remarks.
- Executive Director’s Report.
- *Review and consideration of a loan for the Town of Narragansett in an amount up to $260,000 from the Efficient Buildings Fund Program.
- *Review and consideration of the proposed Clean Energy Fund Regulations.
- Legislative/regulatory update.
- Next regularly scheduled meeting date, November 13, at 3:00 P.M.
*Vote may be taken on this item.

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