Notice of Solicitations: Small Business Energy Fund Pilot Program And Technical Assistance

PROPOSALS SOUGHT FOR: Technical assistance for non-profits, and other private entities, to construct or make improvements to clean energy-related infrastructure and projects including but not limited to, those related to greenhouse gas reduction or elimination, zero-emission technology, clean transportation, clean heating, energy storage, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and demand-side management.

OVERVIEW: Small Business Energy Fund (“SBEF”) is a competitive financing program providing capital funds for small businesses in Rhode Island, including non-profit, private, and other business-related entities, to make clean energy and/or energy efficiency-related improvements. The overall goal of this RFP is to support the small business community in making clean energy investments to their property. This RFP is focused on soliciting requests for technical assistance, including in the form of energy audits, to review energy use and inefficiencies to make informed decisions on where improvements are needed most.

To view the full RFP, please click here.

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