Notice of Meeting
Annual Meeting
Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank
Board of Directors – March 28, 2022
3:00 P.M.
This meeting is held in accordance with the Governor’s EXECUTIVE ORDER 22-20, issued February 18, 2022, ALLOWING REMOTE PARTICIPATION IN PUBLIC MEETINGS, and extended by the Governor’s EXECUTIVE ORDER 22-22, issued March 11, 2022.
Meeting Info:
Join Meeting:
Dial-in: (646) 876 9923
Webinar ID: 826 4339 5088
Meeting Instructions:
A. The public is welcomed to submit written comments to Suh Walker ( until 3:00 P.M. on Friday, March 25, 2022.
B. Public comment will be open at the beginning of the meeting, as announced by the Chair.
C. People wishing to offer public comment should type *9 on their phone to be recognized.
Please note that all public participants will be muted before and after the public comment portion of the meeting.
D. All speakers during public comment are asked to identify themselves by name and organization, if any, at the beginning of their testimony.
- *Review and consideration of the minutes from the January 24, 2022, meeting of the Board.
- *Review and consideration of the minutes from the January 24, 2022, meeting of the Board – Executive Session.
- Board Chair remarks.
- Executive Director’s Report.
- *Election of Officers.
- *Review and consideration of a loan for the Town of Narragansett in an amount up to $300K from the Community Septic System Loan Program.
- *Review and consideration of a loan for the Town of Warren in an amount up to $249K from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund.
- *Review and consideration of the Municipal Resilience Program Action Grant awards.
- *Review and consideration of an Executive Search Firm.
- Legislative/regulatory update.
- Next regularly scheduled meeting date, April 18, 2022, at 3:00 P.M.
*Vote may be taken on this item.
Pursuant to the Governor’s guidance, all visitors are required to wear a mask regardless of their vaccination status.
235 Promenade Street is accessible to the handicapped. Persons requesting interpreter services for the hearing impaired must notify the RI Infrastructure Bank at (401) 453-4430 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting date. The Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) number VIA TTY Relay is 800-745-5555.
A portion of this meeting may be held in Executive Session pursuant to and in compliance with the Rhode Island Open Meetings Law, specifically Section 42-46-5(a) of the General Laws of Rhode Island 1956 as amended. Any questions regarding this meeting may be directed to Suh Walker, Executive Assistant (401) 453-4430 x119
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