PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank today announced that leading rating agencies Fitch and S&P have both given AAA, outlook stable credit ratings to the Bank.
“Receiving these AAA credit ratings is a testament to the strong financial foundation we have built, and Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank’s resilient fiscal condition,” said Executive Director William Fazioli. “The stable outlook also demonstrates the rating agencies’ confidence that the Board and Management will continue to enact policies and procedures that will benefit our borrowers, Rhode Island taxpayers, and ensure the Bank is able to provide a source of capital to support a clean and healthy environment for generations to come.”
“Our Clean and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund programs provide hundreds of millions of dollars in needed low cost financing for stormwater, wastewater, and drinking water projects in cities and towns across Rhode Island,” said Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank Board Chairman Vahid Ownjazayeri. “With these AAA credit ratings, Rhode Islanders can be confident that the Infrastructure Bank is highly credit worthy and extremely vigilant in the use of public funds to improve critical infrastructure in our state.”
About the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank
Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank is Rhode Island’s central hub for financing infrastructure improvements for municipalities, businesses, and homeowners. We leverage capital in a revolving fund to offer innovative financing for an array of infrastructure-based projects including water and wastewater, road and bridge, energy efficiency and renewable energy, and brownfield remediation. These quality-of-life projects improve the State’s infrastructure, create jobs, promote economic development, and enhance the environment. – Facebook: @RIinfrastructure – Twitter: @RI_InfraBank
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